Company Description:
The Chair of Power Electronics is part of the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen Nuremberg. Founded in 1743, FAU has a rich history. It is a strong research university with an international perspective and one of the largest universities in Germany, with 40174 students, 256 degree programms, 4000 academic staff (including over 647 professors), 180 million euros (2015) third-party funding, and 500 partnerships with universities all over the world. As a part of the technical faculty of the University ( the “EEI-department of electrical engineering, electronics and information-technology” comprised of 16 chairs of electrical engineering.
The chair of Power Electronics (LEE) has its focus on distributed electrical energy systems and the required power electronics. Research topics are power electronic systems for low and medium voltage applications, especially highly efficient and compact systems based on SiC power semi-conductors, stability analysis and control strategies for DC grids that are completely constituted by power converters, semiconductor-based circuit-breakers and protection elements as well as lifetime and availability issues. The chair is located at the Energy Campus Nuremberg (EnCN) and operates a low-voltage (± 380 V) DC grid as a research platform for, e.g., stability and fault analysis.
The chair of Energy Electronics works in close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB) in Erlangen in the field of power electronics. This opens access to comprehensive test facilities for electrical drives, complete vehicle powertrains, battery systems and complete EVs including EMC.
Role and main tasks within the project:
Develops a highly efficient DC/DC converter for the use in high power DC charging stations. Therefore FAU-LEE provides his expertise on the field of Power Electronics and the knowledge about the standardization of DC charging stations. FAU-LEE also evaluate the developed DC/DC converter prototype, run through the first lab test, and supports other partners to integrate the developed power electronic subsystems into their application and into the demonstrators.