Company Description:
GREENFLUX is a supplier of Platform As A Service (PAAS) solutions for electric vehicle charging. GREENFLUX provides both a cloud based platforms and a hardware platform.
The cloud-platform consists of three main functionalities:
• With the operator functionality, our customers can directly couple charging stations, enabling them to do operational management, fault analysis, retrieve data from the charging station and provide smart charging services.
• With the service provider functionality, our customers can provide EV-drivers with RFID cards and App-plugins. Data can be exchanged with other partners enabling roaming services.
• With the billing functionality, many pricing schemes for EV charging become possible and whole sale and retail billing is supported
The hardware-platform is a control unit with embedded software on it, with which an intelligent charging station can be built. GREENFLUX is not a charge point manufacturer, but does provide charge point manufacturers with this control unit which allows them to build state of the art, remotely manageable and updateable charging stations that comply with the latest requirements from the market and certification.
Role and main tasks within the project:
In this project, GREENFLUX will significantly improve its smart charging solutions which will be offered as a “Platform As A Service” solution. On the technical side, machine learning techniques will be used to enable ten times more chargers on one location than without smart charging and an 80% faster charge rate per sessions. The algorithms, systems and interfaces will be upgraded to also support stationary battery management and V2G charging. The algorithm will be a multi-stakeholder algorithm where the charging rates are optimized for both grid constraints, user requirements and energy availability/energy prices.
Since smart charging will become the de facto modus for any charging station in the years to come, the user side of smart charging is also very important. To this end, GREENFLUX will develop an App with which users can very easily start, stop and monitor their charging sessions, but can also see the impact of smart charging, influence smart charging and -and this is most important- see the impacted impact of smart charging on their charging session before they even start a charge session. Advanced simulation tools will be designed and utilized for the latter. With this functionality, EV drivers are able to select from a map the charging station that best fits their travel plans.