Use case 4 - Intelligent DC microgrids embedding innovative modular power converters and providing grid services
This use-case aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of energy management approaches enhancing the concept of DC microgrid with the objectives of proving specific local services to the grid and promoting new infrastructures supporting electromobility and modular fast charging enabling long-distance drive with EVs.
The use-case involves enhancing the concept of DC microgrids with the objective of providing local ancillary grid services such as reserve and voltage regulation, as well as providing sustainable energy generation and consumption. Moreover, DC microgrids with EV stations improves the controllability by managing stochastic inputs. The operation of distribution networks is greatly influenced by load variations and by non-programmable renewables, therefore the presence of microgrid as a source of regulation service can help the operator in ensuring high continuity and quality levels. In this context, use-case 4 envisages the presence in the DC microgrid of modular reconfigurable fast chargers for EVs employing local energy storage. Power converters will be based on novel semiconductor power devices, while they will also be based on the concept of modularity.
This use-case entails a specific demonstration that will be based on an experimental DC microgrid managed by POLIBA and ENELX and hosted at the premises of the port of Bari in collaboration with the local port authority. The area and the general outline of the DC microgrid are sketched in the following figures below.
The microgrid hosts RES, local energy storage, and a series of EV charging stations, even able to provide vehicle-to-grid facility, integrated in a DC microgrid scheme via proper converters. The DC microgrid facility is completed by a fleet of EVs, with main use by Bari port employees and available for field experiences thanks to a MoU. The infrastructure will constitute a unique opportunity of validating on-field the proposed energy management approaches and the novel ultra-fast chargers. Moreover, the tests will allow to collect real data of EV uses in a service fleet and to experience the actual effect of control strategies by means of proper measurements and data exchanges, e.g. on EV availability and aging, on storage performances. A stack of modular power modules, reaching up to at least 125kW, will be further tested.